Suggestions for the Zapier blog

Have a suggestion for us to update one of our blog posts?

Fill out this form, and we'll put your suggestion into our queue for consideration. Please note that we can't guarantee updates will be made, and we have a backlog on our list. Because of the volume of requests, we won't respond to every inquiry, but we consider every request when updating articles, and we'll be sure to fix any incorrect information. Thanks!

P.S. Here's how we select apps to include in our app roundup posts:

Which post are you making this suggestion for?

Please enter the URL of the blog post you're requesting an update for.

Check this box if you want your app to be added to a post on the Zapier blog. If you're requesting an edit to existing content about your app or suggesting another type of update, please leave unchecked.

What are you recommending we add or update? Why? Please include links if helpful.

Drag your files here